Kubelet Initialization
Note: This document contains my personal notes from exploring the Kubelet initialization process in Kubernetes. Due to its nature as working notes, it may not follow a strictly formal structure and might contain areas marked for further investigation or clarification. The content is technical and assumes familiarity with Kubernetes internals.
To keep consistency, the code is maintained at …
git log --oneline | head -1
7bfdda4696f Merge pull request #129380 from jdtuhui/testifylint/len@component-base
The Kubelet initialization begins at cmd/kubelet/kubelet.go: 34
// cmd/kubelet/kubelet.go
func main() {
command := app.NewKubeletCommand()
code := cli.Run(command)
The app.NewKubeletCommand()
function, defined at line 136 in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go
, sets defaults using options.NewKubeletFlags()
and options.NewKubeletConfiguration()
func NewKubeletCommand() *cobra.Command {
cleanFlagSet := pflag.NewFlagSet(server.ComponentKubelet, pflag.ContinueOnError)
kubeletFlags := options.NewKubeletFlags()
kubeletConfig, err := options.NewKubeletConfiguration()
Now what are the defaults set in options.NewKubeletFlags()
(more or less initialization)?
// cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go: 139
func NewKubeletFlags() *KubeletFlags {
return &KubeletFlags{ // declared in cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go: 54
ContainerRuntimeOptions: *NewContainerRuntimeOptions(),
CertDirectory: "/var/lib/kubelet/pki",
RootDirectory: filepath.Clean(defaultRootDir), // /var/lib/kubelet
MaxContainerCount: -1,
MaxPerPodContainerCount: 1,
MinimumGCAge: metav1.Duration{Duration: 0},
RegisterSchedulable: true,
NodeLabels: make(map[string]string),
What are the defaults set in NewContainerRuntimeOptions()
// cmd/kubelet/app/options/container_runtime.go: 36
func NewContainerRuntimeOptions() *config.ContainerRuntimeOptions {
return &config.ContainerRuntimeOptions{ // declared in pkg/kubelet/config/flags.go: 26
PodSandboxImage: defaultPodSandboxImage, // k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.10
Now let’s see what options.NewKubeletConfiguration()
// cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go: 200
func NewKubeletConfiguration() (*kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration, error) {
scheme, _, err := kubeletscheme.NewSchemeAndCodecs() // NewSchemeAndCodecs is a utility function that returns a Scheme and CodecFactory
if err != nil {
return nil, err
versioned := &v1beta1.KubeletConfiguration{} // Lookup staging/src/k8s.io/kubelet/config/v1beta1/types.go: 89
config := &kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration{} // Lookup pkg/kubelet/apis/config/types.go: 82
if err := scheme.Convert(versioned, config, nil); err != nil { // Convert will attempt to convert in into out. Both must be pointers
return nil, err
applyLegacyDefaults(config) // applies legacy default values to the KubeletConfiguration
return config, nil
The kubelet configuration has these options
The applyLegacyDefaults
function is defined in cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go: 218
func applyLegacyDefaults(kc *kubeletconfig.KubeletConfiguration) {
// --anonymous-auth
kc.Authentication.Anonymous.Enabled = true
// --authentication-token-webhook
kc.Authentication.Webhook.Enabled = false
// --authorization-mode
kc.Authorization.Mode = kubeletconfig.KubeletAuthorizationModeAlwaysAllow
// --read-only-port
kc.ReadOnlyPort = ports.KubeletReadOnlyPort
Going further on in function NewKubeletConfiguration()
, we would notice that it setup the CLI using Cobra
and Pflag
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 148...
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: server.ComponentKubelet,
Long: `The kubelet is the primary "node agent" that runs on each
Then the following validates the initial KubeletFlags
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 205
if err := options.ValidateKubeletFlags(kubeletFlags); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate kubelet flags: %w", err)
Then the following loads the configuration file if it is provided in kubeletFlags
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 215
if len(kubeletFlags.KubeletConfigFile) > 0 { // comes from the `--config` flag
kubeletConfig, err = loadConfigFile(kubeletFlags.KubeletConfigFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to load kubelet config file, path: %s, error: %w", kubeletFlags.KubeletConfigFile, err)
In case EKS Nodes, the kubelet service is managed by systemd
, and the Kubelet configuration file is passed as an argument to the –config flag as you can see in the kubelet.service
The Kubelet’s configuration is primarily established during node initialization through the bootstrap.sh
The bootstrap script configures two critical environment variables for the Kubelet service: KUBELET_ARGS
. These variables are defined in systemd service configuration files located at /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/
# https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/blob/3b667df7797233b170bec20033a20a47aaa5d0fc/templates/al2/runtime/bootstrap.sh#L625-L627
# /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubelet-args.conf
# https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/blob/3b667df7797233b170bec20033a20a47aaa5d0fc/templates/al2/runtime/bootstrap.sh#L630-L635
# /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/30-kubelet-extra-args.conf
NOTE: On CPU specific nodes, the bootstrap script extends itself, with this.
Now coming back to the cmd/kubelet/app/server.go
file, post setting up of logging the configuration elements are validated.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 248
// We always validate the local configuration (command line + config file).
// This is the default "last-known-good" config for dynamic config, and must always remain valid.
if err := kubeletconfigvalidation.ValidateKubeletConfiguration(kubeletConfig, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to validate kubelet configuration, error: %w, path: %s", err, kubeletConfig)
Then the KubeletServer
constructed from the kubeletConfig
and kubeletFlags
// KubeletServer encapsulates all of the parameters necessary for starting up
// a kubelet. These can either be set via command line or directly.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 259
kubeletServer := &options.KubeletServer{
KubeletFlags: *kubeletFlags,
KubeletConfiguration: *kubeletConfig,
Then kubeletServer
is used to construct the default KubeletDeps
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 265
kubeletDeps, err := UnsecuredDependencies(kubeletServer, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate)
The UnsecuredDependencies
function is defined in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 275
// UnsecuredDependencies returns a Dependencies suitable for being run, or an error if the server setup
// is not valid. It will not start any background processes, and does not include authentication/authorization
func UnsecuredDependencies(s *options.KubeletServer, featureGate featuregate.FeatureGate) (*kubelet.Dependencies, error) {
// Initialize the TLS Options
tlsOptions, err := InitializeTLS(&s.KubeletFlags, &s.KubeletConfiguration)
return &kubelet.Dependencies{
TLSOptions: tlsOptions}, nil
The kubeDeps
are runtime dependencies that are necessary for the Kubelet to run, the struct is define in pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 287
type Dependencies struct {
Options []Option
// Injected Dependencies
Auth server.AuthInterface
CAdvisorInterface cadvisor.Interface
Cloud cloudprovider.Interface
ContainerManager cm.ContainerManager
EventClient v1core.EventsGetter
HeartbeatClient clientset.Interface
OnHeartbeatFailure func()
KubeClient clientset.Interface
Mounter mount.Interface
HostUtil hostutil.HostUtils
OOMAdjuster *oom.OOMAdjuster
OSInterface kubecontainer.OSInterface
PodConfig *config.PodConfig
ProbeManager prober.Manager
Recorder record.EventRecorder
Subpather subpath.Interface
TracerProvider trace.TracerProvider
VolumePlugins []volume.VolumePlugin
DynamicPluginProber volume.DynamicPluginProber
TLSOptions *server.TLSOptions
RemoteRuntimeService internalapi.RuntimeService
RemoteImageService internalapi.ImageManagerService
PodStartupLatencyTracker util.PodStartupLatencyTracker
NodeStartupLatencyTracker util.NodeStartupLatencyTracker
// remove it after cadvisor.UsingLegacyCadvisorStats dropped.
useLegacyCadvisorStats bool
This sets up the TLS for the Kubelet, using the InitializeTLS
// InitializeTLS checks for a configured TLSCertFile and TLSPrivateKeyFile: if unspecified a new self-signed
// certificate and key file are generated. Returns a configured server.TLSOptions object.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1124
func InitializeTLS(kf *options.KubeletFlags, kc *kubeletconfiginternal.KubeletConfiguration) (*server.TLSOptions, error) {
if !kc.ServerTLSBootstrap && kc.TLSCertFile == "" && kc.TLSPrivateKeyFile == "" {
kc.TLSCertFile = filepath.Join(kf.CertDirectory, "kubelet.crt")
kc.TLSPrivateKeyFile = filepath.Join(kf.CertDirectory, "kubelet.key")
tlsOptions := &server.TLSOptions{
Config: &tls.Config{
MinVersion: minTLSVersion,
CipherSuites: tlsCipherSuites,
CertFile: kc.TLSCertFile,
KeyFile: kc.TLSPrivateKeyFile,
if len(kc.Authentication.X509.ClientCAFile) > 0 {
clientCAs, err := certutil.NewPool(kc.Authentication.X509.ClientCAFile)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to load client CA file %s: %w", kc.Authentication.X509.ClientCAFile, err)
// Specify allowed CAs for client certificates
tlsOptions.Config.ClientCAs = clientCAs
// Populate PeerCertificates in requests, but don't reject connections without verified certificates
tlsOptions.Config.ClientAuth = tls.RequestClientCert
return tlsOptions, nil
Since in EKS default configuration, the ServerTLSBootstrap
is set to true
, the Kubelet will request a certificate from the certificates.k8s.io API. This requires an approver to approve the certificate signing requests. The RotateKubeletServerCertificate
feature must be enabled.
The kubelet must always with uid 0
, and this is checked here.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 270
if err := checkPermissions(); err != nil {
klog.ErrorS(err, "kubelet running with insufficient permissions")
Before eventually starting the Kubelet server, the singnal handlers are setup and feature enablement metrics is setup.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 283
ctx := genericapiserver.SetupSignalContext()
The following section will go into the details Run
function of the called from cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:287
calls run
Run runs the specified KubeletServer
with the given Dependencies. This should never exit. The kubeDeps
argument may be nil - if so, it is initialized from the settings on KubeletServer
. Otherwise, the caller is assumed to have set up the Dependencies
object and a default one will not be generated.
The Run fuction actually calls the
run` function.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 287
if err := run(ctx, s, kubeDeps, featureGate); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run Kubelet: %w", err)
So the run
function is defined in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 292
, which does the following as it builds up to creating the Kubelet server.
cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 599
- Validate the KubeletServer by calling theValidateKubeletServer
cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 627
- Register the current configuration to be exposed as/configz
by callinginitConfigz
functioncmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 633
- Register the current configuration to be exposed as/configz
by callinginitConfigz
functioncmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 674
- Sets upkubeDeps.KubeClient
, if any of them isnil
.cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 715
- Creates an authenticator, an authorizer, and a matching authorizer attributes getter compatible with the kubelet’s needs, by callingBuildAuth
, ifkubeDeps.Auth
.cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 723
- Ensure the container runtime is up and running and sets up the KubeDeps references to those by calling thePreInitRuntimeService
The PreInitRuntimeService
function is defined in pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 359
. This function in the Kubelet is responsible for initializing the container runtime service before the main kubelet initialization.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 360
remoteImageEndpoint := kubeCfg.ImageServiceEndpoint
if remoteImageEndpoint == "" && kubeCfg.ContainerRuntimeEndpoint != "" {
remoteImageEndpoint = kubeCfg.ContainerRuntimeEndpoint
Sets up image service endpoint, and falls back to container runtime endpoint if image endpoint is not specified.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 372
if kubeDeps.RemoteRuntimeService, err = remote.NewRemoteRuntimeService(
&logger); err != nil {
return err
Creates connection to container runtime (e.g., containerd), sets up runtime request timeout, integrates with tracing, and sets up logging.
This function is crucial as it sets up the core services needed for container and image operations before the main kubelet initialization.
Coming back to the run
function in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 735
, this sets cgroupRoot to /
nodeAllocatableRoot := cm.NodeAllocatableRoot(s.CgroupRoot, s.CgroupsPerQOS, s.CgroupDriver)
Internally the nodeAllocatableRoot
is set to /
if s.CgroupRoot
is empty.
Coming back to the run
function in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 727
, the following happens…
// Get cgroup driver setting from CRI
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.KubeletCgroupDriverFromCRI) {
if err := getCgroupDriverFromCRI(ctx, s, kubeDeps); err != nil {
return err
This feature behind a feature gate. And the kubelet uses the Cgroup driver from the CRI, if the feature is enabled. The current Cgroup driver is set in the kubeletServer.CgroupDriver
field. And if it is linux is could be on these two values systemd
or cgroupfs
, and kubeDeps.RemoteRuntimeService
is used to get the Cgroup driver from the CRI.
There is a utility function called the ToSystemd
and here is a snippet, the comments explain it well.
// cgroupName.ToSystemd converts the internal cgroup name to a systemd name.
// For example, the name {"kubepods", "burstable", "pod1234-abcd-5678-efgh"} becomes
// "/kubepods.slice/kubepods-burstable.slice/kubepods-burstable-pod1234_abcd_5678_efgh.slice"
// This function always expands the systemd name into the cgroupfs form. If only
// the last part is needed, use path.Base(...) on it to discard the rest.
func (cgroupName CgroupName) ToSystemd() string {
if len(cgroupName) == 0 || (len(cgroupName) == 1 && cgroupName[0] == "") {
return "/"
newparts := []string{}
for _, part := range cgroupName {
part = escapeSystemdCgroupName(part)
newparts = append(newparts, part)
result, err := cgroupsystemd.ExpandSlice(strings.Join(newparts, "-") + systemdSuffix)
if err != nil {
// Should never happen...
panic(fmt.Errorf("error converting cgroup name [%v] to systemd format: %v", cgroupName, err))
return result
Then the CAdvisor interface is initialized and asssigned to kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 754
if kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface == nil {
kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface = cadvisor.New(...
The kubelet requires the cAdvisor interface for several critical monitoring and resource tracking functions. If the interface is not provided, the kubelet will create a new cAdvisor interface. The interface provides container metrics, machine metrics, and other monitoring data, which include:
- Container metrics: CPU, memory, filesystem, and network usage
- Machine metrics: CPU, memory, filesystem, and network usage
- Other monitoring data: Container and machine events, container and machine specifications
Then the kubeDeps.Recorder
is initialized at the cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 763
, with a call to makeEventRecorder
Then the kubeDeps.ContainerManager
is initialized at the cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 840
, is it is nil
. But before the following values are updates…
- The reservations for resources such as Kubelet and System are set
- The eviction thresholds are set. (defaults exists in
pkg/kubelet/eviction/defaults_linux.go: 23
.) - The cpuManagerPolicy is set to
if it is not set. - The topologyManagerPolicy is set to
if it is not set. - The nodeSwap is set if the experimental feature is enabled and the node is enabled cgroupv2
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 765
if kubeDeps.ContainerManager == nil {
// line: 840
kubeDeps.ContainerManager, err = cm.NewContainerManager(...
The NewContainerManager
function is defined in pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager.go: 47
. This function is responsible for creating a new container manager, which is the core component of the kubelet that manages containers and their lifecycle.
- Get the cgroup subsystem v1/v2 mode
- Check if swap is on
- Construcrt the capacity on the node the kubelet is dealing with from the
(vendor/github.com/google/cadvisor/info/v1/machine.go: 180
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 239
capacity := cadvisor.CapacityFromMachineInfo(machineInfo)
for k, v := range capacity {
internalCapacity[k] = v
- Set the pid limits to the internal capacity
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 243
pidlimits, err := pidlimit.Stats() // pkg/kubelet/stats/pidlimit/pidlimit_linux.go: 35
if err == nil && pidlimits != nil && pidlimits.MaxPID != nil {
internalCapacity[pidlimit.PIDs] = *resource.NewQuantity(
- Initializes the cgroup hierarchy by:
- Configuring the
directory - Creating a
factory with the appropriate subsystem (cgroup v1 or v2) - Specifying the cgroup driver implementation (systemd or cgroupfs)
- Configuring the
- Updates the
to reflect the active cgroup version from the manager
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 251
cgroupRoot := ParseCgroupfsToCgroupName(nodeConfig.CgroupRoot)
cgroupManager := NewCgroupManager(subsystems, nodeConfig.CgroupDriver)
nodeConfig.CgroupVersion = cgroupManager.Version()
- Based on
, the new cgroupRoot is set tokubepods
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 255
if nodeConfig.CgroupsPerQOS { // default is true staging/src/k8s.io/kubelet/config/v1beta1/types.go: 346
// line: 271
cgroupRoot = NewCgroupName(cgroupRoot, defaultNodeAllocatableCgroupName) // defaultNodeAllocatableCgroupName = "kubepods"
- The new QOSContainerManager is initialized into which implements
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 275
qosContainerManager, err := NewQOSContainerManager(subsystems, cgroupRoot, nodeConfig, cgroupManager)
- Create a new
and set theqosContainerManager
on it
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 280
cm := &containerManagerImpl{
cadvisorInterface: cadvisorInterface,
mountUtil: mountUtil,
NodeConfig: nodeConfig,
subsystems: subsystems,
cgroupManager: cgroupManager,
capacity: capacity,
internalCapacity: internalCapacity,
cgroupRoot: cgroupRoot,
recorder: recorder,
qosContainerManager: qosContainerManager,
- Assigned the instance of
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 293
cm.topologyManager, err = topologymanager.NewManager(
- A new instance of the
is created and assigned tocm.deviceManager
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 305
cm.deviceManager, err = devicemanager.NewManagerImpl(machineInfo.Topology, cm.topologyManager)
- The Dynamic Resource Allocation is new feature in Kubernetes, and is behind a feature gate, and disabled by default.
// pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 312
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(kubefeatures.DynamicResourceAllocation) {
klog.InfoS("Creating Dynamic Resource Allocation (DRA) manager")
cm.draManager, err = dra.NewManagerImpl(kubeClient, nodeConfig.KubeletRootDir, nodeConfig.NodeName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
- The passed argument
is assigned tocm.kubeClient
(pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 319) - The instancce of
is created and assigned tocm.cpuManager
- The instance of
is created and assigned tocm.memoryManager
// Initialize CPU manager
cm.cpuManager, err = cpumanager.NewManager(
cm.memoryManager, err = memorymanager.NewManager(
- You will notice that each of these managers,
, have a method to initializeHintProvider
, which is a function that returns aHintProvider
interface. TheHintProvider
interface is used to provide hints to the kubelet about the resources that are available on the node, and play a significant role in resource allocation in NUMA locality and topology aware resource allocation.
Now back to the lines after the call to NewContainerManager
in cmd/kubelet/app/server.go
, two kudeDeps
variables PodStartupLatencyTracker
and NodeStartupLatencyTracker
are intitialized.
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 887
kubeDeps.PodStartupLatencyTracker = kubeletutil.NewPodStartupLatencyTracker()
// >>> pkg/kubelet/kubeletutil/pod_startup_latency_tracker.go:60
// >>> returns an instance to struct `basicPodStartupLatencyTracker`
// >>> pkg/kubelet/kubeletutil/pod_startup_latency_tracker.go:40
// >>> struct `basicPodStartupLatencyTracker` implements `PodStartupLatencyTracker`
// >>> pkg/kubelet/kubeletutil/pod_startup_latency_tracker.go:50
// >>> struct `basicPodStartupLatencyTracker` has `perPodState` map with...
// >>> ... `firstStartedPulling`, `lastFinishedPulling`, `observedRunningTime`
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 891
kubeDeps.NodeStartupLatencyTracker = kubeletutil.NewNodeStartupLatencyTracker()
// >>> pkg/kubelet/kubeletutil/node_startup_latency_tracker.go:49
// >>> returns an instance to struct `basicNodeStartupLatencyTracker`
// >>> `bascicNodeStartupLatencyTracker` implements `NodeStartupLatencyTracker`
// >>> pkg/kubelet/kubeletutil/node_startup_latency_tracker.go:36
// >>> struct `basicNodeStartupLatencyTracker` has node `bootTime`, ...
// >>> ... `kubeletStartTime`, `firstRegistrationAttemptTime`, ...
// >>> ... `firstRegisteredNewNodeTime`, `firstNodeReadyTime`
The PodStartupLatencyTracker
is used to track the startup latency of pods, and the NodeStartupLatencyTracker
is used to track the startup latency of nodes. Also note the bootTime
is got from btime
in /proc/stat
Then the kubelet’s OOM Score is adjusted based on what is provided in tghe kubelet configuration for the oomScoreAdj
field(default: -999
), by calling the ApplyOOMScoreAdj
function(cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 895
). pkg/util/oom/oom_linux.go: 51
implements applyOOMScoreAdj
which is used to set the OOM score of a process.
NOTE: The highly negative score means the Kubelet is very unlikely to be killed by the Linux OOM killer,
The next call is to RunKubelet
, passing it the Context
), KubeletServer
), and Dependencies
) instances as arguments at cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 900
RunKubelet is responsible for setting up and running a kubelet, and defined at cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1227
. It takes the ctx.Context
, options.KubeletServer
and kubelet.Dependencies
as arguments. And is the sequences of calls that lead to the actual running of the kubelet.
- Set thhe
to OS given hostname of nos.hostnameOverride
is specified. - Set the
to cloud provider given name or else default tohostname
. - Set the boolean flag
bases on thes.hostnameOverride
being set. - Setup the EventRecorder by calling
sets up kubeDeps.Recorder if it’s nil. It’s a no-op otherwise.cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 555
- Set the
array by parsing thes.NodeIP
.cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1241
- Initialize the
. - Set the preferred docker configuration path to
, by callingcredentialprovider.SetPreferredDockercfgPath
. - Set the
to an instance ofRealOS
struct, which implements theOSInterface
interface.pkg/kubelet/container/os.go: 27
The next call is to createAndInitKubelet
at cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1260
, which is responsible for creating and initializing the kubelet. The createAndInitKubelet
function is defined at cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1301
. It takes s
(instance of options.KubeletServer
(instance of kubelet.Dependencies
), hostname
, hostnameOverridden
, nodeName
, nodeIPs
, as arguments, and returns an instance of kubelet.Bootstrap
and an error. The createAndInitKubelet
function in turn calls….
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1301
k, err = kubelet.NewMainKubelet(&kubeServer.KubeletConfiguration,
kubeServer.KubeletFlags.SeccompDefault || kubeServer.KubeletConfiguration.SeccompDefault)
Now lets dive into what happens in kubelet.NewMainKubelet
The NewMainKubelet
is defined in pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 386
. NewMainKubelet
instantiates a new Kubelet object along with all the required internal modules. No initialization of Kubelet and its modules happen here.
- At this point the following things need to set for the kubelet to be initialized:
,cmd/kubelet/app/options/options.go: 44
,pkg/kubelet/apis/config/types.go: 92
is greater than0
.- The
if not empty.- IMPORTANT: Check if kubelet is running in standalone mode or cluster mode, checking the
-ness ofkubeDeps.KubeClient
. If it isnil
, then it is running in standalone mode. Otherwise it is running in cluster mode. In cluster mode is sets upkubeInformers
, and starts the sync with the API server. - IMPORTANT: Sets up the
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 457
) instance, helps the kubelet to with the following functions:
- IMPORTANT: Check if kubelet is running in standalone mode or cluster mode, checking the
- Receive pod configurations from various sources
- Merge these configurations consistently
- Track changes to pod configurations
- Notify components about pod configuration changes
- Maintain pod state synchronization
- NOTE: This object in-memory “source of truth” for pod configurations
Lets dived into this a bit, and look at the
function that is defined inpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 323
The makePodSourceConfig
function establishes the various sources from which the Kubelet can receive Pod configurations. Here’s a detailed breakdown of its functionality:
- The function takes several parameters:
: Kubelet configuration settingskubeDeps
: Dependencies required by kubeletnodeName
: The name of the nodenodeHasSynced
: A function that checks if the node has synced
- The function starts by setting up HTTP headers for static pod URLs:
manifestURLHeader := make(http.Header) if len(kubeCfg.StaticPodURLHeader) > 0 { for k, v := range kubeCfg.StaticPodURLHeader { for i := range v { manifestURLHeader.Add(k, v[i]) } } }
- It creates a new PodConfig object that will handle pod configuration notifications:
cfg := config.NewPodConfig(config.PodConfigNotificationIncremental, kubeDeps.Recorder, kubeDeps.PodStartupLatencyTracker)
This creates an in memory “source of truth” for pod configurations, which will be used by the kubelet to monitor and apply pod configurations.
The function then sets up three possible sources for pod configurations:
- File Source - for static pods defined in files:
if kubeCfg.StaticPodPath != "" { config.NewSourceFile(kubeCfg.StaticPodPath, nodeName, kubeCfg.FileCheckFrequency.Duration, cfg.Channel(ctx, kubetypes.FileSource)) }
b. URL Source - for static pods defined via HTTP:
if kubeCfg.StaticPodURL != "" { config.NewSourceURL(kubeCfg.StaticPodURL, manifestURLHeader, nodeName, kubeCfg.HTTPCheckFrequency.Duration, cfg.Channel(ctx, kubetypes.HTTPSource)) }
c. API Server Source - for pods managed through the Kubernetes API:
if kubeDeps.KubeClient != nil { config.NewSourceApiserver(kubeDeps.KubeClient, nodeName, nodeHasSynced, cfg.Channel(ctx, kubetypes.ApiserverSource)) }
- File Source - for static pods defined in files:
This function is crucial for Kubernetes node operation as it establishes all the ways a node can receive pod configurations:
- Through static files on disk
- Through HTTP endpoints
- Through the Kubernetes API server
Each source is configured with its own update frequency and communication channel. The function returns the configured PodConfig object which will be used by the kubelet to monitor and apply pod configurations from all these sources.
- Create an instance of
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 463
, which is used to manage the garbage collection of dead containers. - IMPORTANT: Create an instance of
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 469
, which is used to store the daemon endpoints of the node. Node Daemon Endpoints are specific endpoints that represent services running on a node in a Kubernetes cluster. They are defined by theNodeDaemonEndpoints
struct, which currently contains a single endpoint type,KubeletEndpoint
. This represents the endpoint where the Kubelet is listening. The Kubelet is the primary node agent that runs on each node in the cluster. - Create an instance of
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 473
, which is used to manage the garbage collection of unused images on the node. - If the
feature is enabled, set theimageGcPolicy.MaxAge.Duration
to the value ofkubeCfg.ImageGcMaximumAge.Duration
. - Create an instance of
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 477
, which is used to handle the lifecycle of pods. kubeCfg.EnforceNodeAllocatable
is passed into a variable calledenforceNodeAllocatable
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 485
, which is used to determine if the node allocatable should be enforced. This will be an empty array if we are not enforcing Evictions.thresholds
is set based on the parsing of the Node Eviction Thresholds inpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 488
. These thresholds are critical for:- Maintaining node stability
- Preventing out-of-resource scenarios
- Ensuring system processes have enough resources
- Managing pod evictions in a controlled manner
- IMPORTANT: An instance of
is created atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 493
, which is used to configure the eviction manager.
// pkg/kubelet/eviction/types.go: 46
type Config struct {
// PressureTransitionPeriod is duration the kubelet has to wait before transitioning out of a pressure condition.
PressureTransitionPeriod time.Duration
// Maximum allowed grace period (in seconds) to use when terminating pods in response to a soft eviction threshold being met.
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds int64
// Thresholds define the set of conditions monitored to trigger eviction.
Thresholds []evictionapi.Threshold
// KernelMemcgNotification if true will integrate with the kernel memcg notification to determine if memory thresholds are crossed.
KernelMemcgNotification bool
// PodCgroupRoot is the cgroup which contains all pods.
PodCgroupRoot string
- Instance of
is created to list and and be informed about services ion the cluster.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 502
var serviceLister corelisters.ServiceLister
var serviceHasSynced cache.InformerSynced
if kubeDeps.KubeClient != nil {
// don't watch headless services, they are not needed since this informer is only used to create the environment variables for pods.
// See https://issues.k8s.io/122394
kubeInformers := informers.NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(kubeDeps.KubeClient, 0, informers.WithTweakListOptions(func(options *metav1.ListOptions) {
options.FieldSelector = fields.OneTermNotEqualSelector("spec.clusterIP", v1.ClusterIPNone).String()
serviceLister = kubeInformers.Core().V1().Services().Lister()
serviceHasSynced = kubeInformers.Core().V1().Services().Informer().HasSynced
} else {
serviceIndexer := cache.NewIndexer(cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, cache.Indexers{cache.NamespaceIndex: cache.MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})
serviceLister = corelisters.NewServiceLister(serviceIndexer)
serviceHasSynced = func() bool { return true }
- Create a node reference object
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 520
, this will be used for events. - Create a OOMWatcher instance
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 527
, by callingoomwatcher.NewOOMWatcher
which is used to monitor the OOM events on the node. - Create an string slice
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 544
, and populate it based on thekubeCfg.ClusterDNS
ip addresses. - IMPORTANT: Create an insecure http client instance
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 559
, which is used to make HTTP requests to the container lifecycle handler. The comments here are interesting:
// A TLS transport is needed to make HTTPS-based container lifecycle requests,
// but we do not have the information necessary to do TLS verification.
// This client must not be modified to include credentials, because it is
// critical that credentials not leak from the client to arbitrary hosts.
- An instance of
is created,tracer
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 566
. - The
an instance of theKubelet
struct is created atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 571
. Here is the code…
klet := &Kubelet{
hostname: hostname,
hostnameOverridden: hostnameOverridden,
nodeName: nodeName,
kubeClient: kubeDeps.KubeClient,
heartbeatClient: kubeDeps.HeartbeatClient,
onRepeatedHeartbeatFailure: kubeDeps.OnHeartbeatFailure,
rootDirectory: filepath.Clean(rootDirectory),
podLogsDirectory: podLogsDirectory,
resyncInterval: kubeCfg.SyncFrequency.Duration,
sourcesReady: config.NewSourcesReady(kubeDeps.PodConfig.SeenAllSources),
registerNode: registerNode,
registerWithTaints: registerWithTaints,
registerSchedulable: registerSchedulable,
dnsConfigurer: dns.NewConfigurer(kubeDeps.Recorder, nodeRef, nodeIPs, clusterDNS, kubeCfg.ClusterDomain, kubeCfg.ResolverConfig),
serviceLister: serviceLister,
serviceHasSynced: serviceHasSynced,
nodeLister: nodeLister,
nodeHasSynced: nodeHasSynced,
streamingConnectionIdleTimeout: kubeCfg.StreamingConnectionIdleTimeout.Duration,
recorder: kubeDeps.Recorder,
cadvisor: kubeDeps.CAdvisorInterface,
cloud: kubeDeps.Cloud,
externalCloudProvider: cloudprovider.IsExternal(cloudProvider),
providerID: providerID,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeLabels: nodeLabels,
nodeStatusUpdateFrequency: kubeCfg.NodeStatusUpdateFrequency.Duration,
nodeStatusReportFrequency: kubeCfg.NodeStatusReportFrequency.Duration,
os: kubeDeps.OSInterface,
oomWatcher: oomWatcher,
cgroupsPerQOS: kubeCfg.CgroupsPerQOS,
cgroupRoot: kubeCfg.CgroupRoot,
mounter: kubeDeps.Mounter,
hostutil: kubeDeps.HostUtil,
subpather: kubeDeps.Subpather,
maxPods: int(kubeCfg.MaxPods),
podsPerCore: int(kubeCfg.PodsPerCore),
syncLoopMonitor: atomic.Value{},
daemonEndpoints: daemonEndpoints,
containerManager: kubeDeps.ContainerManager,
nodeIPs: nodeIPs,
nodeIPValidator: validateNodeIP,
clock: clock.RealClock{},
enableControllerAttachDetach: kubeCfg.EnableControllerAttachDetach,
makeIPTablesUtilChains: kubeCfg.MakeIPTablesUtilChains,
nodeStatusMaxImages: nodeStatusMaxImages,
tracer: tracer,
nodeStartupLatencyTracker: kubeDeps.NodeStartupLatencyTracker,
TODO: Annotate each of the values of those variables in the Kubelet
struct with references to where they are defined.
- If
is notnil
, theklet.CloudResourceSyncManager
is set to a new instance ofcloudprovider.CloudResourceSyncManager
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 620
are set. As you can see below
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 623
var secretManager secret.Manager
var configMapManager configmap.Manager
if klet.kubeClient != nil {
switch kubeCfg.ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy {
case kubeletconfiginternal.WatchChangeDetectionStrategy:
secretManager = secret.NewWatchingSecretManager(klet.kubeClient, klet.resyncInterval)
configMapManager = configmap.NewWatchingConfigMapManager(klet.kubeClient, klet.resyncInterval)
case kubeletconfiginternal.TTLCacheChangeDetectionStrategy:
secretManager = secret.NewCachingSecretManager(
klet.kubeClient, manager.GetObjectTTLFromNodeFunc(klet.GetNode))
configMapManager = configmap.NewCachingConfigMapManager(
klet.kubeClient, manager.GetObjectTTLFromNodeFunc(klet.GetNode))
case kubeletconfiginternal.GetChangeDetectionStrategy:
secretManager = secret.NewSimpleSecretManager(klet.kubeClient)
configMapManager = configmap.NewSimpleConfigMapManager(klet.kubeClient)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown configmap and secret manager mode: %v", kubeCfg.ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy)
klet.secretManager = secretManager
klet.configMapManager = configMapManager
And by default kubeCfg.ConfigMapAndSecretChangeDetectionStrategy
is set to Watch
- An instance of
is created,machineInfo
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 646
, which is used to store the machine information. And themachineInfo
is assignedklet.machineInfo
. - An instance of
is created,imageBackOff
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 655
, which is used to manage the backoff for image pull failures. This variable will be passed to the container runtime. Manager
(s) for theliveness
probes is created intoklet.livenessManager
, andklet.startupManager
respectively atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 657-659
by callproberesults.NewManager
.- An instance of
is created,klet.podCache
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 660
, which is used to store the pod information. - An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/pod/mirror_client.go: 34
) interface is created intoklet.mirrorPodClient
by callingkubepod.NewBasicMirrorClient
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 662
, which is used to manage the pod mirroring of Kubelet’s static pods.MirrorClient
knows how to create/delete a mirror pod in the API server.
Mirror pods in Kubernetes are special pod objects that exist for static pods. Here’s how they work:
- Static Pod -> Mirror Pod Relationship:
- When you create a static pod (by placing a pod manifest in the node’s static pod directory)
- The kubelet automatically creates a mirror pod on the API server
- The mirror pod is essentially a read-only copy/representation of the static pod
- Key Characteristics:
- Mirror pods are only visible on the API server (you can see them with
) - You cannot modify mirror pods directly through the API server
- They have the same name as the static pod but are bound to the specific node
- The kubelet adds a label
to identify them
- Mirror pods are only visible on the API server (you can see them with
- Purpose:
- They make static pods visible to the control plane
- Allow monitoring and visibility of static pods through standard Kubernetes tools
- Help in tracking the status of static pods at the cluster level
- Example Use Case:
- Common for system components like the kubelet itself
- Often used for monitoring agents or networking plugins that need to run on every node
- Useful when you need pods that must exist even if the API server is down
Think of mirror pods as the API server’s “window” into static pods running on nodes. They let you see what static pods exist, but you can only modify the actual static pods through their manifest files on the node.
- An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/pod/pod_manager.go: 108
) struct, which implements theManager
(pkg/kubelet/pod/pod_manager.go: 45
) interface is created,klet.podManager
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 664
, which is used to manage the pods on the node.
The podManager
is a critical component of the kubelet that manages the pods on the node. Here’s a deeper look at its role and functionality:
- Storage Role:
- Stores the desired/intended set of:
- Admitted pods
- Mirror pods
- Does NOT store the actual running pods (that’s handled by
- Stores the desired/intended set of:
- Configuration:
- Gets populated by kubelet config loops
- Receives pod configurations from multiple sources:
- API server (for regular pods)
- Local filesystem or HTTP (for static pods)
- Important Distinctions:
- Not all desired pods in podManager are actually running
- Not all running pods are in podManager (e.g., force-deleted pods may still be terminating)
- Future Improvements (TODO):
- There’s a planned review to move components from using podManager to podWorkers when they need actual pod state
- This change might add some latency but will:
- Avoid race conditions
- Better handle terminating pods
- Better handle updated static pods
- An instance of status
(pkg/kubelet/status/status_manager.go: 71
) which implements theManager
(pkg/kubelet/status/status_manager.go: 121
) interface, is created,klet.statusManager
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 666
, which is used to manage the status of the pods on the node. - An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/server/stats/resource_analyzer.go: 33
) struct which implements theResourceAnalyzer
(pkg/kubelet/server/stats/resource_analyzer.go: 25
) interface, is created,klet.resourceAnalyzer
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 667
, which is used to analyze the resources on the node. kubeDeps.RemoteRuntimeService
is assigned toklet.runtimeService
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 669
, which is used to manage the container runtime service.- An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/logs/container_log_manager.go: 143
) struct which implements theContainerLogManager
(pkg/kubelet/logs/container_log_manager.go: 55
) interface, is created,klet.containerLogManager
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 676-687
, which is used to manage the container logs on the node.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 676
containerLogManager, err := logs.NewContainerLogManager(
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize container log manager: %v", err)
klet.containerLogManager = containerLogManager
- An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/reason_cache.go: 38
) struct is created,klet.reasonCache
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 673
, which is used to to store the failure reason for the latest container start, it’s anlru
cache hence it might not be reliable, but goal is propogate the reason to container stature. - An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/util/queue/work_queue.go: 36
) struct which implements theWorkQueue
(pkg/kubelet/util/queue/work_queue.go: 29
), is created,klet.workQueue
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 690
, WorkQueue allows queuing items with a timestamp and an item is considered ready to process if the timestamp has expired. - An instance of
(pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go: 551
) struct which implements thePodWorkers
(pkg/kubelet/pod_workers.go: 36
), is created,klet.podWorkers
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 692
. ThePodWorkers
interface is used to manage the workers that process pods on the node. It provides methods to add, remove, and get workers, as well as to get the number of workers and the number of pods being processed by each worker. And here is a deeper look at this.
Let look the call the following call.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 692
klet.podWorkers = newPodWorkers(
// an instance of Kubelet struct, pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 568
// an instance of record.EventRecorder, pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 570
// a queue used to trigger pod workers.
// resyncInterval is the interval between periodic full reconciliations of
// backOffPeriod is the period to back off when pod syncing results in an error.
// Cache stores the PodStatus for the pods. It represents *all* the visible
// pods/containers in the container runtime. All cache entries are at least as
// new or newer than the global timestamp (set by UpdateTime()), while
// individual entries may be slightly newer than the global timestamp. If a pod
// has no states known by the runtime, Cache returns an empty PodStatus object
// with ID populated.
// Cache provides two methods to retrieve the PodStatus: the non-blocking Get()
// and the blocking GetNewerThan() method. The component responsible for
// populating the cache is expected to call Delete() to explicitly free the
// cache entries.
// an instance of Cache interface, pkg/kubelet/container/cache.go: 39
The podWorkers
is a core component in the kubelet that manages the lifecycle of pods. Here are its key responsibilities:
- State Management:
- It manages pods through three main states:
- syncing: pod should be running
- terminating: pod should be stopped
- terminated: pod should have all resources cleaned up
- It manages pods through three main states:
- Exclusive Pod Execution:
- Once a pod is accepted, no other pod with the same UID (or name+namespace for static pods) can start until the first pod has fully terminated and been cleaned up.
- This means even if a pod is desired in the API and admitted, it might have to wait for a prior pod to terminate.
- Event-Driven Architecture:
- It works as an event-driven controller through
- Requires periodic resyncing through
to maintain desired state - Handles force-deleted pods that still need to complete their termination
- It works as an event-driven controller through
- Authority:
- Acts as the authoritative source within kubelet for:
- Which pods are actually running
- Current state of each pod
- Other kubelet components must consult podWorkers to know pod phases for resource management
- Acts as the authoritative source within kubelet for:
In essence, it’s the traffic controller for pod lifecycle management within the kubelet, ensuring orderly execution and cleanup of pods.
- A variable
is setpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 700
, which is used to determine if the kubelet should group kill all process within a container or kill on the concerned process. The default value for this cgroupv1 istrue
, and cannot be false, but in the cgroupv2 it could be eithertrue
, and the default isfalse
When we talk about group kill in the context of OOM (Out Of Memory) in containers, it means all processes within the same container (not the pod) are killed when an OOM event occurs.
To clarify the different scopes:
- When
, the Out-Of-Memory (OOM) killer behavior is configured to:- Selectively terminate only the specific process that exceeds its memory limit
- Preserve other processes within the same container
- Maintain the integrity of other containers within the pod
This granular OOM control helps maintain system stability while minimizing the impact of memory-related terminations.
- When
, the OOM killer operates in group termination mode:- Terminates all processes within the memory-exceeding container
- This conservative approach ensures complete cleanup of potentially unstable containers
- Helps prevent memory leaks and cascading failures
- Maintains pod-level isolation by preserving other containers in the pod
- Container restart behavior is governed by the pod’s
The term “group” in this context specifically denotes the process group within a single container’s namespace, not the broader pod scope. This container-level isolation ensures that OOM events are handled independently for each container, maintaining the pod’s overall stability and resource boundaries.
Consider a pod with two containers A and B:
- An OOM event in container A triggers the configured OOM killer behavior (single-process or group) exclusively within container A’s namespace
- Container B remains unaffected, maintaining its resource allocation and runtime state This isolation is fundamental to Kubernetes’ container orchestration model, ensuring that resource-related issues in one container do not cascade to other containers within the same pod.
- A generic runtime manager is created,
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 714
, which is used to manage the runtime of the containers.runtime
is an instance tokubeGenericRuntimeManager
(pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go: 98
) which implements interfaceKubeGenericRuntime
(pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_manager.go: 182
is a interface contains interfaces for container runtime and command.
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 714
runtime, err := kuberuntime.NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager(
// FilterEventRecorder creates an event recorder to record object's event except implicitly required container's, like infra container.
// Manages container health check results.
// /var/lib/kubelet is the root directory of the kubelet.
// podLogsDir is a custom root directory path kubelet will use to place pod's log files.
// /var/log/pods
// An instance of the MachineInfo struct.
// serves as the authoritative source for pod state within the kubelet
// An iterface to OS specific operations.
// An instance of the kubelet object
// HTTP client to make requests to the container lifecycle handler.
// Period for the exponential backoff for image pulls.
// Tells kubelet to serialize image pulls, default: true
// The maximum number of concurrent image pull operations.
// RegistryPullQPS is the limit of registry pulls per second.
// RegistryBurst is the maximum size of bursty pulls,
// temporarily allows pulls to burst to this number,
// while still not exceeding RegistryPullQPS
// As menstioned above, the singleProcessOOMKill is set to true.
// Boolean, enables CPU CFS quota enforcement for containers that specify CPU limits.
// CPU CFS quota period value, cpu.cfs_period_us. Default: 100ms
// An instance of thread-safe instance to RuntimeService interface.
// returned from staging/src/k8s.io/cri-client/pkg/remote_runtime.go: 83
// An instance to thread-safe instance of ImageManagerService interface.
// returned from staging/src/k8s.io/cri-client/pkg/remote_image.go: 50
// Interface to manage containers on the machine
// returned from pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager_linux.go: 206
// Manager for container logs
// Handles RuntimeClass objects for the Kubelet.
// seccomp profile for all workloads, default: false
// swapBehavior configures swap memory available to container workloads
// For cgroupsv1 this is not configured
// Returns the absolute value of the Node Allocatable
// which is primarily useful for enforcement
// MemoryThrottlingFactor specifies the factor multiplied by the memory limit or node allocatable memory
// when setting the cgroupv2 memory.high value to enforce MemoryQoS.
// Decreasing this factor will set lower high limit for container cgroups and put heavier reclaim pressure
// while increasing will put less reclaim pressure.
// An instance of PodStartupLatencyTracker interface.
// TracerProvider provides Tracers that are used by instrumentation code
The NewKubeGenericRuntimeManager
constructor function initializes the Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface (CRI) manager, which serves as the primary interface between the Kubelet and the container runtime.
Architectural Components:
- Purpose:
- Creates a container runtime manager that handles container operations in Kubernetes
- Interfaces with the underlying container runtime (like Docker or containerd) through CRI (Container Runtime Interface)
- Important Parameters:
: For recording events- Various managers for handling container probes (liveness, readiness, startup)
: Interface to the container runtimeimageService
: Service for handling container images- Configuration options like:
: Controls parallel image pullingmaxParallelImagePulls
: Limits concurrent image pullsseccompDefault
: Security computing mode settingsmemorySwapBehavior
: Memory swap configuration
- Main Operations:
- Creates an instrumented runtime and image service, with metrics
- Initializes a new
with the provided parameters - Verifies runtime API version compatibility
- Sets up credential providers for container image pulling
- Initializes several sub-components:
- Image puller
- Lifecycle handler runner
- Container garbage collector
- Version cache
- Version Checking:
if typedVersion.Version != kubeRuntimeAPIVersion {
return nil, ErrVersionNotSupported
- Ensures the runtime API version matches the supported version
Returns an error if versions are incompatible
- Component Initialization:
- Sets up image pulling management:
- Sets up lifecycle handler(
) for container - Sets up new container garbage collector
- The
is assigned thepodWorkers
kubeRuntimeManager.imagePuller = images.NewImageManager(
kubeRuntimeManager.runner = lifecycle.NewHandlerRunner(insecureContainerLifecycleHTTPClient, kubeRuntimeManager, kubeRuntimeManager, recorder)
kubeRuntimeManager.containerGC = newContainerGC(runtimeService, podStateProvider, kubeRuntimeManager, tracer)
kubeRuntimeManager.podStateProvider = podStateProvider
The lifecycle handler is an interface of HandlerRunner
for a container(pkg/kubelet/container/helpers.go: 42
). This interface implements a Run
function(pkg/kubelet/lifecycle/handlers.go: 72
) which is responsible for executing different handler types on the container.
- Error Handling:
- Handles initialization errors gracefully
- Logs errors with detailed information
- Exits if critical components (like credential provider plugins) fail to initialize
This function is a crucial part of Kubernetes’ container runtime abstraction layer, allowing it to work with different container runtimes while maintaining a consistent interface for the rest of the system.
- The
is assigned to:klet.containerRuntime
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 751
, which is used to manage the container runtime.klet.streamingRuntime
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 752
, which handles container streaming.klet.runner
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 753
, which will be used to run commands inside of the container.
- Create an instance of
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 755
, runtimeCache caches a list of pods. It records a timestamp (cacheTime) right before updating the pods, so the timestamp is at most as new as the pods (and can be slightly older). The timestamp always moves forward. Callers are expected not to modify the pods returned from GetPods. And then that is assigned toklet.runtimeCache
. - Create an instance of
that defines an interface for providing host stats associated with pods that are managed by the kubelet, and assigns ithostStatsProvider
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 762
. - The container runtime stats providers is initialized into
, creating an instance ofProvider
(pkg/kubelet/stats/provider.go: 91
) which provides the stats of the node and the pod-managed containers, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 766
. - An
is created forPodLifecycleEvent
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 786
. And since theEventedPLEG
feature flag is still inAlpha
a generic pleg interface is created atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 812
with an instance ofPodLifecycleEventGenerator
), which container functions for generating pod lifecycle events, and stored inklet.gleg
. - A
is assiged toklet.runtimeState
, by calling the function with the same, passing themaxWaitForContainerRuntime
which defines the maximum wait time for the runtime to be available. Ref,pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 815
- A PLEG health check is added to
, by calling theaddHealthCheck
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 816
is update with CIDR obtained fromkudeCfg.PodCIDR
, by calling theklet.updatePodCIDR
function atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 820
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet_network.go: 44
) updates the pod CIDR in the runtime state if it is different from the current CIDR. Return true if pod CIDR is actually changed. - An instance to
(pkg/kubelet/container/container_gc.go: 43
) interface, which manages garbage collection of dead containers, is created by callingNewContainerGC
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 825
. And upon error, this assigned toklet.containerGC
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 829
- An instance of
struct(pkg/kubelet/pod_container_deletor.go: 36
), created intoklet.containerDeletor
by calling thenewPodContainerDeletor
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 830
. ApodContainerDeletor
, is an asynchronous worker(a goroutine) that receives containers ids from a channel, and callsruntime.DeleteContaier
(pkg/kubelet/pod_container_deletor.go: 52
) which in turn callsremoveContainer
(pkg/kubelet/kuberuntime/kuberuntime_container.go: 1314
), to remove container and container logs. - An instance of
interface(pkg/kubelet/images/image_gc_manager.go: 69
), which managed the lifecycle of all images, is create by callingNewImageGCManager
(pkg/kubelet/images/images_gc_manager.go: 184
) atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 833
. And upon no error that instance is assigned toklet.imageManager
(yes, not*GCManager
). - Based on the
, theklet.serverCertificateManager
is setup atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 839-851
. - The
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 867
) is initialized to an instance of prode manager interface,Manager
defined atpkg/kubelet/prober/prober_manager.go: 71
which creates a probe worker for every container that specifies a probe, and it also updates each of the pod container status. - A
is created using theNewManager
function from thetoken
package atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 876
, this must be used later one. ThetokenManager
is responsible for managing the service account tokens. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 878-891
is initialized to managerClusterTrustBundle
(staging/src/k8s.io/api/certificate/v1alpha1/types.go: 44
)- If
feature flag is enabled, an informer based manager is created. Otherwise, a no-op manager is used instead. - TODO: Check the above in the existing clusters as default for
, and its still an alpha feature.
- If
- At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 896
- The
is initialized using theNewInitializedVolumePluginMgr
function.- The
, manages all volume plugins (e.g., CSI, FlexVolume, in-tree plugins) that the Kubelet uses to provision and manage storage for pods. - if
, then this function returns
- The
- The
- At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 901
, create aPluginManager
instance by callingpluginmanager.NewPluginManager
, and assigns it toklet.pluginManager
, manages the lifecycle of kubelet plugins. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 908-912
, ifexperimentalMounterPath
is set it configures DNS in the containerized mounter’s environment. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 915-927
, creates aVolumeManager
instance by callingvolumemanager.NewVolumeManager
and assigns it toklet.volumeManager
, is responsible for managing the lifecycle of volumes (e.g., attaching, mounting, unmounting, detaching) for pods running on the node. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 929
is initialized toMaxContainerBackOff
(which is300 * time.Second
). - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 930
is initialized tocontainerBackOffPeriod
(which istime.Second * 10
) - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 931-936
if theKubeletCrashLoopBackOffMax
feature gate(currently inAlpha
and defaultfalse
) is enabled,boMax
is reset accordingly. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 937
creates aBackOff
instance by callingflowcontrol.NewBackOff
and assigns itklet.backOff
. And atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 938
, assign an anonymous function to theklet.backOff.HasExpiredFunc
, which returns a boolean on the expiry backOff which reset the backOff counter. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 943
creates anManager
) which is implemented by themanagerImpl
(pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go: 66
) by calling theeviction.NewManager
. The instance ofManager
is passed in bothevictionManager
. And atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 946-947
, these are assigned toklet.evictionManager.evictionManager
respectively. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 951
the slicesafeAndUnsafeSysctls
is assigned the slice containing bothsysctl.SafeSysctlAllowlist()
, and user provided(though configuration)allowedUnsafeSysctls
. And atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 952
, thesafeAndUnsafeSysctls
is verified by passing toNewAllowList
(pkg/kubelet/sysctl/allowlist.go: 44
), and the returnspatternAllowlist
(pkg/kubelet/sysctl/allowlist.go: 36
) in tosysctlsAllowList
. Onerr
in this case this function returns with anerror
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 956
is add toklet.admitHandlers
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 959
an instance ofactiveDeadlineHandler
(pkg/kubelet/active_deadline.go: 36
) is created by callingnewActiveDeadlineHandler
(pkg/kubelet/active_deadline.go: 46
), and assigned toactiveDeadlineHandler
. A deadline handler, manages the pod deadline. And this is added toklet
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 963
andpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 964
respectively. Onerr
in this case this function returns with anerror
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 966
, an admit handler responsible for allocating resources to podGetAllocateResourcesPodAdmitHandler
(pkg/kubelet/cm/container_manager.go: 136
), added toklet.admitHandler
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 968-969
, an instance of theCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
(pkg/kubelet/preemption/preemption.go: 45
) is created by calling theNewCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
(pkg/kubelet/preemption/preemption.go: 63
) and assigned tocriticalPodAdmissionHandler
, if noterror
and then it added to theklet.admitHandlers
with predicates. Its critical to understand theCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
is in fact anAdmissionFailureHandler
(pkg/kubelet/lifecycle/predicate.go: 87
) - If
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 977
an instance ofValidator
(pkg/security/apparmor/validate.go: 34
) interface which validates that a pod with AppArmor profile can be run by that Node, and assigned toklet.appArmorValidator
- If
, atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 977
an instance ofValidator
(pkg/security/apparmor/validate.go: 34
) interface which validates that a pod with AppArmor profile can be run by that Node, and assigned toklet.appArmorValidator
, this is added to theklet.adminHandlers
atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 978
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 981-992
, theklet.nodeLeaseController
is initialized, this controller is responsible for renewing lease of the kubelet with the api-server. A lease is the indicator the node’s health. TheleaseDuration
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 981
) default to40s
, andrenewInterval
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 982
) is one-fourth of theleasDuration
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 995
, the nodeshutdownManager
is assigned an instance ofManager
(pkg/kubelet/nodeshutdown/nodeshutdown_manager.go: 42
) interface, which will handle aspects of the node shutdown, including honoring the graceful shutdown periods, for critical pods or pods by priority. TheshutdownManager
, is then assigned to theklet.shutdownManager
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1009
) - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1010
an instance of theUsernsManager
(pkg/kubelet/userns/userns_manager.go: 54
), is created which ensures avoiding the UID and GID with those of on the node, and effective manage User Namespaces, and assigned toklet.usernsManager
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1014
(from above) is added to theklet.admitHandlers
- At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1018
the latestkubeCfg
, is assigned to theklet.kubeletConfiguration
. - At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1022
the node status functions are generated and assinged toklet.setNodeStatusFuncs
by calling thedefaultNodeStatusFuncs
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet_node_status.go: 760
), which returns an array of callback functions. - If the
feature flag is enabled, which in most mordern Kubernetes clusters(>= 1.32), this allows using systemd watchdog to monitor the health status of kubelet. Atpkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1028
is updated with the new checkers.
Then at pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1033
the function returns created klet
Upon successful initialization at pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1310
, the Kubelet performs two critical operations:
- Emits a startup event via
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1341
) - Initiates garbage collection routines through
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1343
The createAndInitKubelet
function at pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 1345
returns the initialized Kubelet instance k
to the RunKubelet
function. Before proceeding to the startKubelet
function (cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1281
), two configuration parameters are set:
is initialized withkubeDeps.PodConfig
- The Linux resource limit (rlimit) for maximum open files is configured via
(cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 1277
Now back to the startKubelet
function at cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1281
. Lets dive deeper into the startKubelet
This function, startKubelet
, is responsible for starting the Kubelet, which is a core Kubernetes component that runs on each node in the cluster. The Kubelet’s primary role is to ensure that containers are running in Pods as expected. The function starts the Kubelet’s main logic and optionally enables its HTTP servers for serving metrics, debugging, and other endpoints. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what this function does:
Start the Kubelet’s Main Logic
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1289
go k.Run(podCfg.Updates())
starts the Kubelet’s main event loop.podCfg.Updates()
returns a channel that provides updates to the Kubelet about changes in Pod configurations (e.g., new Pods, updates to existing Pods, or deletions).- The Kubelet listens to this channel and takes appropriate actions, such as creating, updating, or deleting Pods on the node.
- The
keyword runs this logic in a separate goroutine, allowing the Kubelet to operate asynchronously. - TODO: Define the logic for handling Pod updates.
Start the Kubelet’s Secure HTTP Server (if enabled)
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1292
if enableServer {
go k.ListenAndServe(kubeCfg, kubeDeps.TLSOptions, kubeDeps.Auth, kubeDeps.TracerProvider)
- If
, the Kubelet starts a secure HTTP server.k.ListenAndServe
starts the server, which listens for HTTPS requests.- The server is configured using:
: The Kubelet’s configuration.kubeDeps.TLSOptions
: TLS settings for securing the server.kubeDeps.Auth
: Authentication settings for securing access to the server.kubeDeps.TracerProvider
: Used for distributed tracing (e.g., OpenTelemetry).
- This server typically serves endpoints for metrics, debugging, and other administrative functions.
- The
keyword runs the server in a separate goroutine. - TODO: Dive deeper into the implementation details of the secure HTTP server.
Start the Kubelet’s Read-Only HTTP Server (if enabled)
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1295
if kubeCfg.ReadOnlyPort > 0 {
go k.ListenAndServeReadOnly(netutils.ParseIPSloppy(kubeCfg.Address), uint(kubeCfg.ReadOnlyPort), kubeDeps.TracerProvider)
- If the
in the Kubelet’s configuration is greater than 0, a read-only HTTP server is started.k.ListenAndServeReadOnly
starts the server, which listens for HTTP requests.- The server binds to the IP address specified in
and the port specified inkubeCfg.ReadOnlyPort
. - This server provides read-only access to metrics and debugging endpoints, typically without authentication or encryption.
is used for distributed tracing.
- The
keyword runs the server in a separate goroutine.
Start the Kubelet’s Pod Resources Server
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go:1298
go k.ListenAndServePodResources()
starts a gRPC server that serves the Pod Resources API.- This API provides information about the resources (e.g., CPU, memory, devices) allocated to Pods running on the node.
- It is used by components like the Kubernetes Device Plugins and other resource management tools.
- The
keyword runs this server in a separate goroutine. - TODO: Dive into the implementation details of the Pod Resources API.
By running these components in separate goroutines, the Kubelet can handle multiple tasks concurrently, ensuring that it can manage Pods, serve metrics, and provide debugging information efficiently.
NOTE Come out of the startKubelet
- Kubelet flags
- Kubelet configuration
- Kubelet configuration merging
- Kubelet
- Node Allocatable
- Node Eviction
- Topology Manager
- Dynamic Resource Allocation
- Create a static pod
Some Important Data Structures
- Kubelet
- KubeletConfiguration
- Kubelet Dependencies
- Kubelet Flags
- Kube Generic Runtime Manager
- EventedPLEG
- GenericPLEG
Contribution Opportunities:
- Can definitely improve the logic in this code for
function, it so difficult to read and digest. -
Possible simple contribution to Kubernetes codebase, fix the error log message on line
pkg/kubelet/util/boottime_util_linux.go: 39
fromklog.InfoS("Failed to get boot time from /proc/uptime. Will retry with unix.Sysinfo.", "error", err)
klog.InfoS("Failed to get boot time from /proc/stat. Will retry with unix.Sysinfo.", "error", err)
Good to Explore
for CPU bound workloads, and for stateful workloadsTopologyManagerPolicy
for NUMA aware workloadsKubeletTracing
to be enabled for tracing kubelet calls
Just Random Notes
Container stats provider
There is a feature flag in Alpha
to move container stats from CAdvisor to CRI stats provider, this will be populated to the kubeDeps.useLegacyCadvisorStats
. Code is for checking this flag is enabled is here.
// pkg/kubelet/cadvisor/util.go: 77
// UsingLegacyCadvisorStats returns true if container stats are provided by cadvisor instead of through the CRI.
// CRI integrations should get container metrics via CRI.
// TODO: cri-o relies on cadvisor as a temporary workaround. The code should
// be removed. Related issue:
// https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/51798
func UsingLegacyCadvisorStats(runtimeEndpoint string) bool {
// If PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI feature is enabled, then assume the user
// wants to use CRI stats, as the aforementioned workaround isn't needed
// when this feature is enabled.
if utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate.Enabled(features.PodAndContainerStatsFromCRI) {
return false
return strings.HasSuffix(runtimeEndpoint, CrioSocketSuffix)
How to get the kubelet’s runtime configuration?
Here’s how you can curl the kubelet’s runtime configuration:
- Ensure you have access to the kubelet API
- The kubelet API is usually protected by authentication and authorization mechanisms. You may need to provide a valid token or client certificate to access it.
- If you’re running this command from a node where the kubelet is running, you can access it via
Accessing Configuration
- Use
to access the/configz
endpointcurl -sSk -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \ https://localhost:10250/configz
: Silent mode, skip SSL certificate verification (since the kubelet uses a self-signed certificate by default).-H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)"
: This adds the authorization header using the service account token. This assumes you’re running this command from a pod with access to the service account token.https://localhost:10250/configz
: The kubelet’s/configz
3. Alternative: Use kubectl proxy
If you don’t have direct access to the kubelet API, you can use kubectl proxy
to access it securely.
- Start a proxy:
kubectl proxy --port=8080
- Access the kubelet’s
endpoint via the proxy:curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/nodes/<node-name>/proxy/configz
with the name of the node where the kubelet is running.
4. Parse the output
The output will be in JSON format. You can use tools like jq
to parse and format it:
curl -sSk -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \
https://localhost:10250/configz | jq .
- If the kubelet is not configured to allow anonymous access, you may need to provide a valid token or client certificate.
- Be cautious when accessing the kubelet API, as it has privileged access to the node and its workloads.
- Ensure that your network policies or firewall rules allow access to the kubelet’s port (default:
Feature Gates in Kubernetes
In the Kubernetes codebase, feature gates are defined in the pkg/features/kube_features.go
file. And pkg/features/versioned_kube_features.go
file contains the versioned feature gates and their default states (enabled or disabled) for each Kubernetes release.
Steps to Find Versioned Feature Gates:
- Navigate to the Kubernetes GitHub Repository:
- The main Kubernetes repository is located at: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes.
- Locate the
File:- The feature gates are defined in the
file. You can find it here: pkg/features/kube_features.go.- The versioned feature gates are defined in the
file. You can find it here: pkg/features/versioned_kube_features.go.
- The versioned feature gates are defined in the
- The feature gates are defined in the
- Search for Feature Gate Definitions:
In the
file, you’ll find aconst
definitions for all known kubernetes specific feature keys. Example:// owner: @psch // // Enables a StatefulSet to start from an arbitrary non zero ordinal StatefulSetStartOrdinal featuregate.Feature = "StatefulSetStartOrdinal"
- In the
file you will find all the known kubernetes-specific feature keys withVersionedSpecs
. Example:
var defaultVersionedKubernetesFeatureGates = map[featuregate.Feature]featuregate.VersionedSpecs{ ... ... StatefulSetStartOrdinal: { {Version: version.MustParse("1.26"), Default: false, PreRelease: featuregate.Alpha}, {Version: version.MustParse("1.27"), Default: true, PreRelease: featuregate.Beta}, {Version: version.MustParse("1.31"), Default: true, PreRelease: featuregate.GA, LockToDefault: true}, // GA in 1.31, remove in 1.33 }, ... ...
- In the
Each feature gate is associated with an array of
that specifies:Default
: Whether the feature is enabled by default.PreRelease
: The maturity stage of the feature (e.g., Alpha, Beta, GA).LockToDefault
: Indicates that the feature is locked to its default and cannot be changedVersion
: ndicates the earliest version from which this FeatureSpec is valid.
- Check Version-Specific Feature Gates:
- The file often includes comments indicating in which Kubernetes version a feature gate was introduced or graduated (e.g., from Alpha to Beta or GA). For example:
// FeatureGateExample is an example feature gate. // Owner: @community // Alpha: v1.20 // Beta: v1.22 // GA: v1.24 FeatureGateExample featuregate.Feature = "FeatureGateExample"
- The file often includes comments indicating in which Kubernetes version a feature gate was introduced or graduated (e.g., from Alpha to Beta or GA). For example:
- Search for Feature Gate Usage:
- To see how a specific feature gate is used in the codebase, you can search for its name in the repository. For example, search for
to find where it is referenced.
- To see how a specific feature gate is used in the codebase, you can search for its name in the repository. For example, search for
Example of Feature Gate Definition:
Here’s an example of how feature gates are defined in kube_features.go
const (
// FeatureGateExample is an example feature gate.
FeatureGateExample featuregate.Feature = "ExampleFeatureGate"
And then you will add a version feature gate entry in versioned_kube_feature.go
var defaultVersionedKubernetesFeatureGates = map[featuregate.Feature]featuregate.VersionedSpecs{
FeatureGateExample: {
{Version: version.MustParse("1.26"), Default: false, PreRelease: featuregate.Alpha},
Additional Notes:
- Feature gates are used to enable or disable experimental or optional features in Kubernetes.
- The state of a feature gate (enabled or disabled) can be controlled using the
flag when starting Kubernetes components like the kubelet, API server, or controller manager. - Feature gates often progress through stages: Alpha → Beta → GA (General Availability).
About backOff
Couple of things note about about backOff configuration that is set on the kubelet here…
// pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 937
klet.backOff = flowcontrol.NewBackOff(base, boMax)
klet.backOff.HasExpiredFunc = func(eventTime time.Time, lastUpdate time.Time, maxDuration time.Duration) bool {
return eventTime.Sub(lastUpdate) > 600*time.Second
… is that strangely NewBackOff
do not apply any jitter, if you notice the function.
func NewBackOff(initial, max time.Duration) *Backoff {
return NewBackOffWithJitter(initial, max, 0.0)
The maxJitterFactor
is 0.0
Also, if you not func
that is assigned to HasExpiredFunc
, it does not take maxDuration
into account, but rather uses hard coded 600*time.Second
, I would think that this should be maxDuration
according to the comment on HasExpiredFunc
// HasExpiredFunc controls the logic that determines whether the backoff
// counter should be reset, and when to GC old backoff entries. If nil, the
// default hasExpired function will restart the backoff factor to the
// beginning after observing time has passed at least equal to 2*maxDuration
TODO: Deepdive ProbeManager
Start from this…
- The
(pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 867
) is initialized to an instance of prode manager interface,Manager
defined atpkg/kubelet/prober/prober_manager.go: 71
which creates a probe worker for every container that specifies a probe, and it also updates each of the pod container status.
To curl the kubelet’s runtime configuration, you need to access the kubelet’s API endpoint, which typically listens on port 10250
by default. The kubelet provides a /configz
endpoint that exposes its runtime configuration.
TODO: EvictionManager
As found here…
- At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 943
creates anManager
) which is implemented by themanagerImpl
(pkg/kubelet/eviction/eviction_manager.go: 66
) by calling theeviction.NewManager
. The instance ofManager
is passed in bothevictionManager
TODO: How does Critical Pod Admission work?
Need to work on this…
- At
pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 968-969
, an instance of theCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
(pkg/kubelet/preemption/preemption.go: 45
) is created by calling theNewCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
(pkg/kubelet/preemption/preemption.go: 63
) and assigned tocriticalPodAdmissionHandler
, if noterror
and then it added to theklet.admitHandlers
with predicates. Its critical to understand theCriticalPodAdmissionHandler
is in fact anAdmissionFailureHandler
(pkg/kubelet/lifecycle/predicate.go: 87
TODO: buildKubeletClientConfig
// cmd/kubelet/app/server.go: 930
func buildKubeletClientConfig(ctx context.Context, s *options.KubeletServer, tp oteltrace.TracerProvider, nodeName types.NodeName) (*restclient.Config, func(), error) {
TODO: Describe how volumePluginMgr works
Lookup this …
At pkg/kubelet/kubelet.go: 896
- The
is initialized using theNewInitializedVolumePluginMgr
function.- The
, manages all volume plugins (e.g., CSI, FlexVolume, in-tree plugins) that the Kubelet uses to provision and manage storage for pods. - if
, then this function returns
- The